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A Look at Intentionality

Intentionality is something I’m becoming more and more passionate about. Being Intentional with my time with my kids Being Intentional with my work hours Being Intentional with the words that come out of my mouth Being Intentional with my thought patterns Being Intentional with choosing the Better over the Good . The list could go on and on and on and I am going to be sharing more about this, but a huge way of being Intentional for me has been the time I spend doing work. Yup, I have a MLM business and I’ve been working hard at it for over 4 years. The sad truth is I spent 3 1/2 of those years striving, missing family time and putting it first. I am not proud to admit that, but I did, because I told myself that I wasn’t meant to be a stay at home mom. Umm one of the biggest lies I’ve believed from the pit of hell. God had to literally stop me in my tracks, break me and pull me away from my business for me to realize WHO I am and WHO He created me to be. Coming out of that refining season I honestly thought that was it... business is done, I’m walking away and the truth is, I was totally okay with that. Here is the kicker... Learning to ABIDE in Him in EVERYTHING has shown me in my areas of weakness that I’m strong, because He’s made me relational, a daughter of the King, an amazing Mother and friend and a daughter who desires to spend my time with Him and in that He honors the ONE hour a day I spend working my business. You see for years I kicked, screamed and clawed my way to work my business and forgot what it was like to sit at my Abba Father’s feet and ask, What’s the agenda for today? He KNOWS what’s best for every single scenario in our days. All He desires is that time and relationship with us and when we choose to sit with Him... He IS faithful to provide and His promises are true! Remember His timing is perfect, trust in that and know it’s so much more about RESTING in and with Him then anything else. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only Be still.” - Exodus 14:14

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