There is something about the start of a new month and even more a new year that creates hope for so many of us. Hope that things will look and be different, opportunity for new and better things.
A few years ago I started something new for myself(this isn’t something new as I know people have been doing this for a long time), but I asked the Lord for a word for me for the upcoming year. A word that I could hold onto, pray into and step into throughout the year. Over the years I have found these words to be so very powerful in my life. They have stirred up hope, passion, they have challenged me, they have been words I’ve pressed into to grow as a person. I know and believe that the Lord has given me these words to pull me up higher into my calling as a wife, mom, and woman of God.
I have also found that this one word pulls me into encounters with the Lord that have been transformative. The Lord’s intimate love for me continues to astound me, that one word could draw me so much closer to Him, His heart for me and those around me.
So whether you do this already or not, I want to encourage you to ask the Lord for your word for the year. Get excited knowing that there is so much in one word from the Father. Then ask Him for a bible verse to accompany it. And just a little reminder of how faithful our Father is... “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” - Jeremiah 33:3 ESV
Write these somewhere you will see them on a regular basis throughout the year. Pray into the word and allow the Lord to speak gently and loudly to you throughout the year about who He says you are and how He is calling you into more. Study the word, look up it’s definition, how the Lord is speaking to you through scripture with it.... We are all called to more in our sphere of influence, it truly is a matter of stepping into the opportunities the Lord lays in front of us. So let’s jump into 2020 with the Lord leading us every step of the way.
If you are up for it share your WORD for 2020 below?
