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Essential Oils, God & Scripture

Writer's picture: Catherine EricksonCatherine Erickson

Alright, so today we are going to talk about essential oils, God and Scripture. I shared in the first podcast how there came a point where I made essential oils an idol in my life. You are welcome to go back and listen to that first episode, but to recap… we can do this with anything in our lives. Anytime we are putting something or someone ABOVE God, it is considered an idol.

I did that with essential oils and I could have very easily walked away from using them, however the Lord showed me that this is something that NEEDS to be talked about. We truly can go down so many different conversations here, but we are going to stick with oils today.

I truly believe that essential oils are ea gift from the Lord. He gave them their benefits and their power. Colossians 1:16 says, “ For through the Son everything was created, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen. Every seat of power, realm of government, principality, and authority—it was all created through him and for his purpose!”

EVERYTHING on this earth was created with a PURPOSE! That includes you and me. More on that later… because remember I believe we are all called to more.

THIS is where we need to redirect our thought patterns though. When it comes to things or people in our lives we sometimes so easily go to them first. I want you to think about this for a minute…

In moments of sadness what do you do? Who do you call to talk too?

When you are needing advice for work, school, parenting… what do you do? Who do you go too?

When you are angry, frustrated, depressed… what do you do?

For about 3 years I would go grab an essential oil right away with a lot of these questions above, along with other things… like calling a friend, sneaking that sugary treat in the cabinet, turning on the tv to disappear into its story line.

Now please hear me on this… I am NOT saying that we shouldnt call a friend, rest and watch a movie, grab an essential oil and apply it in a moment of stress or anxiety. I am NOT saying any of these things… what I AM saying is that...

We need to remember to TURN to God FIRST! Its truly as simple as stopping, taking a deep breathe and saying His name… crying out to Jesus and saying, I NEED YOU! I Choose YOU First! There is NOTHING and NO ONE PERSON except Jesus Christ that can bring healing, comfort, peace, joy, strength, wisdom, provision, and love the way our ABBA Father does. NO ONE! This is sooo crucially important for us to remember.

Ok… so now that we have covered that… as the Lord continued to take me through this healing journey and it was… He reminded me that the essential oils that were in front of me were truly a incrediblely beautiful and powerful gift from HIM. They are from HIM!

He designed all of the plants and their benefits

He gave them their power...

And He desires and deserves ALL the glory, praise and thanks for them.

It says in Deuteronomy 31:8, “It is the Lord who goes before you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

I truly believe this is one of those creative and magnificent ways God thought about US. I feel like sometimes we can put God in this little box of how everything works, but come on… we are not god. Imagine for a minute… He loves us so much that He thought… “hugh...I think I am going to create all of these beautiful plants, trees, herbs and give them properties to help the ones I love so dearly…” That thought blows my mind. John 3:16 and so many other places in scripture tells us just HOW much God loves us.

Now instead of making essential oils an idol… what would it look like to partner with God, His Word and our words.

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For we have the living Word of God, which is full of energy,[a] and it pierces more sharply than a two-edged sword.[b] It will even penetrate to the very core of our being where soul and spirit, bone[c] and marrow meet![d] It interprets and reveals the true thoughts and secret motives of our hearts.”

Speaking God’s truth over ourselves and those around us daily is a powerful tool and it is LIFE changing. Proverbs 18:21 and many other verse in the Bible talk about the power of our tongue, the power of our thoughts. These are things we can NOT take lightly anymore.

What would it look like to combine God’s truth alongside the use of essential oils in our daily lives? How would that transform our lives?

God’s Word says… there is life and death in the power of our tongue, there is power in the words that come out of our mouth and it penetrates the very core of our being. I have listened to an incredible teaching called, God Vibrations by Dan Mccollum I highly recommend that goes into the physical science of the power of vibrations.

You see we NEED to get this… we need to etch this truth in scripture on our hearts and our minds. Our tongue-the words we speak and our thought patterns weigh heavily on the direction of where our lives go and the direction of others. It impacts every area of our lives, our emotions, our decisions, and our health.

So whether you use essential oils or not, I want to encourage you to start stewarding your thought patterns, your words and watch as they shift in your life how they impact the world around you.

You are called to more dear friend!

Thank you for joining me today on the Stand Tall Speak Life podcast and I look forward to next time.



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