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Jesus, Family, Motherhood and Essential Oils

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A daily essential oil guide to spirit filled living. How to live intentionally using scripture and oils together daily.


Fun, encouraging and sometimes challenging conversations about life, family, motherhood, marriage, the power of our words, essential oils and a whole lot of Jesus.


Weekly posts about how we can Stand Tall and Speak Life in our daily lives.

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A couple of months ago the Lord put the word, “wonder” on my heart for 2020. As I always do, I sat on it, prayed and started asking the...

What Is Your Word For 2020?

There is something about the start of a new month and even more a new year that creates hope for so many of us. Hope that things will...

Essential Oils, God & Scripture

Alright, so today we are going to talk about essential oils, God and Scripture. I shared in the first podcast how there came a point...

A New Thing

I love how creative God is and that He speaks to all of us. It’s as simple as tuning into the right channel and listen. Know sweet friend...

Teachable Moments

I just love how God uses our kids to teach us beautiful and powerful things. One thing the Lord continues to remind me of lately is the...

God Is In Control

“So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into...

Who Does God Say You Are?

So much YES!! The enemy constantly tries to tear away at who we are, who we are called to be and our beautiful and powerful design. We so...

Abiding In The Vine

Ever feel like you know what’s right and then land face first in the sand? . I’m a little bit of a control freak and a tad bit, okay...

You Were Created For MORE Darling!

You were created for MORE darling! ⠀ You are BOLD⠀ You are COURAGEOUS⠀ You are GRACIOUS⠀ You are STRONG⠀ You are BEAUTIFUL⠀ You are a...

Enfolded In Jesus

Anyone else love butterflies?! I mean it’s kind of hard not to love them right?! They are so beautiful, effortlessly gentle and peaceful....

Speaking In Public Anyone?

Confession... I’ve hated speaking in front of people my entire life. I would avoid any situation where I had to answer questions in...

God Speaks Your Language

Did you know God speaks your language? I love how creative He is and how passionate He is about each of us. Up until about a year ago I...

Radical Obedience

This is something the Lord has been whispering to me over the past couple of months. In all honesty the words terrify me. My mind...

Business or Joy?

I’ve been asking myself a lot over the past couple of days... how in the world is this a “business” trip? I’ve gone through moments of...

Be Still

Be still. I’m a mom of three boys, this phrase seems laughable to me, however this is something the Lord has been whispering to me for...


opportunity : 1 : a favorable juncture of circumstances 2 : a good chance for advancement or progress How often during the day do we...

What are Our Eyes Focused On?

There are way too many distractions surrounding us in today’s world. It takes intentionality on our part to keep our eyes focused on our...

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Catherine Erickson lives in Oceanside, California with her firefighter husband and their three incredible boys. They are a Jesus-loving family that seeks to glorify God and His Kingdom in all they do. Catherine is passionate about Jesus, family, essential oils, the church and all things prophetic. She has been a distributor with Young Living Essential Oils for over five years and loves helping others in their wellness and spiritual journey with the Lord. Standing Tall and Speaking Life has become a fierce battle cry for her and her family, knowing that the Lord has placed a sphere of influence right in front of them starting in their own home and neighborhood.

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Thanks for your interest in Stand Tall Speak Life. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!

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