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Writer's pictureCatherine Erickson

Be Still

Be still. I’m a mom of three boys, this phrase seems laughable to me, however this is something the Lord has been whispering to me for a couple of months now. The truth is I’ve always been a busy body and being still has always been difficult, but this time God’s whisper is not just calling me to physical stillness, but intentional stillness with HIM. And oh my goodness gracious have I found this so difficult. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ll be the first to admit, I love sitting with Jesus and reading the Word, journaling, praying, listening to worship or sermons, but ask me to be still in the physical, mental and spiritual sense. Whoa! The Bible verse taking all of your thoughts captive takes a whole other meaning on for me.

It would be like a kid being taken into a candy shop and being instructed to not touch anything OR think about candy around them, just be still in there. I feel like this is the silliest example( my hubby, Luke is the analogy king), but point being... God is whispering another layer of what being a “Mary” looks like, that sitting Him whether He speaks or not, IS ENOUGH. His love doesn’t come from the things that I do, there is nothing I can do to earn His love. All of His grace and peace and love are FREE and ALL He wants is for us to sit at His feet. Yes we need to dive into God’s word and etch it upon our hearts. Yes, we are to soak in worship and praise His Holy name throughout our days. Yes, we are to communicate our thoughts and desires with Him, because He’s a relational God.

I could go on and on, but what I’m learning is the power, peace and rest that comes when we surrender the busyness of our minds, heart and soul and just sit with Him in beautiful shattering stillness. What a magnificent Father that He would call us to this place, when the world is shouting the opposite. WOW! I still have so so much to learn but I will shout that from the rooftops with joy, because I know if the Lord is leading there is nothing to fear. Feeling loved by my Abba Father in a difficult week of life and busyness cause He’s drawing me into a place of stillness and rest with Him.

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