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How Does God Want To Love You Today?

How does God want to love you today? Have you ever asked Him? When the Lord side swiped me and gifted me with a last minute trip back to South Africa I felt overwhelmingly loved. For me it was a radical act of love from God and the best part is that He desires to love on us daily with this radical love. Can we wrap our minds around that truth? That all He wants is to romance us and draw us closer to Him. The Cross was the most important part, but also the beginning, because it was all for relationship. We were saved, but we have been given the beautiful gift of an intimate relationship with God, our incredible lover. “Set me like a seal upon your heart, like a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy is as hard and cruel as Sheol(the place of the dead). It’s flashes are flashes of fire, a most vehement flame(the very flame of the Lord)! Many water cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man would offer all the goods of his house for love, he would utterly be scored and despised.” - Song of Solomon 8:6-7 AMP There is nothing that can quench the LOVE the Father has for us! Yet I think we don’t allow Him to come and wash over us, because that might mean full surrender and letting go of control and fear. I want to encourage you to ask the Lord... “Lord, how do you want to love me today and is there anything stopping me from receiving Your love today?” Take a few moments to sit still and listen. Wait and see if He gently whispers something or shows you a picture. Remember He’s so creative and speaks your language. He has not come to bring confusion, but PEACE!!

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