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God Speaks Your Language

Did you know God speaks your language? I love how creative He is and how passionate He is about each of us. Up until about a year ago I didn’t give too much of my time and thought into my dreams, other then the occasional, “that was cool” or “what did I eat last night?” Once I started looking into dream interpretation I realized how intentional and creative God with us and our dreams. Ya, some of them may seem a bit kookoo, but sometimes that’s the only way for Him to grab our attention. Am I right?! Have you ever had a strange dream and you didn’t give it much thought? Okay, it might have been the pizza, haha! BUT sometimes God gives us these incredible and wild dreams to have a deeper conversation with us. All He desires is deeper friendship with us. Sometimes it’s as simple as asking Him questions about the dream. He is always faithful to answer, all we have to do is ask. In our home we have started to make dreams a part of our everyday conversations. Every night I pray over the boys for dreams of adventure, identity, calling and fun God dreams and then every morning I ask the boys if they had a dream. Right now I’ll get a occasional “yes”, and those mornings are a ton of fun. I love hearing how God is speaking to the boys. We see all throughout scripture that God communicates to his people through dreams. Ben Armstrong from Bethel Church, explained it like this, “our minds are asleep at night, our spirit is awake for the things of God”. So tonight I pray you have incredible dreams of adventure, identity, calling with God.

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