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Enfolded In Jesus

Anyone else love butterflies?! I mean it’s kind of hard not to love them right?! They are so beautiful, effortlessly gentle and peaceful. I’ll never forget I was going through a really difficult time when I was in college and I was driving in this industrial area(not a place I would expect to see butterflies)... then at a stop sign a butterfly came out of no where and flew in front of my windshield. At that moment I heard the Lord whisper, “You are not alone, I’ve got you.” I felt so seen, known and loved by God in that moment. Gods love for us is so intimate, it always has me in awe. I’ve never looked at butterflies the same since. Now they represent such a beautiful reminder of the Lord KNOWING exactly where I am and how I’m feeling and that I’m never alone. 2 Corinthians 5:17 is often used alongside the picture of butterflies and I love how The Passion Translation says it, “Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new.” I had to stop and look up the word, “enfolded”. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines ENFOLD as: 1a : to cover with or as if with folds b : to surround with a covering 2 : to clasp within the arms : EMBRACE WHOA!!! If we... - cover ourselves in Christ - are surrounded with a covering - are clasped/embraced within the arms of Christ. We are a NEW Creation! Just as the caterpillar is covered, surrounded and embraced by its cocoon that then transforms it into a NEW creation, sooo do we when we COVER-SURROUND-EMBRACE ourselves with and in Christ!! What I love is it that there isn’t a list of things we have to do to be surrounded by Christ. He just wants us to BE there with Him and allow Him to surround and embrace us. Doesn’t that just wreck you? Gods love just wrecks me! No matter what you are going through today... know that God is with you and you don’t have to earn any bit of His love, that He just desires you to sit with Him and BE with Him.

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