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Radical Obedience

This is something the Lord has been whispering to me over the past couple of months. In all honesty the words terrify me. My mind starts to wonder about the “what if’s”? What if God asks me to do something embarrassing? What if I get it wrong? What if what I do isn’t received well? Well... I’ve come to the realization of, Who cares? Aren’t we called to be fools for God?! I mean fools in the terms of... let’s be radical for Jesus and go against the flow. We were not created to fit in, we were created to stand out, stand tall and shine. The question then becomes... How often do we know the Lord is prompting us to do or say something? Yet we hesitate. I have to admit, my life has been filled with hesitation, insecurities and fear. It’s been as simple as calling someone who popped into my mind, buying a stranger their coffee, opening my mouth and giving a word of encouragement to someone, or praying over someone. The Lord knows how the person standing in front of us needs to be encouraged, He knows their deepest needs. We serve and are LOVED by an extravagant Father! He is EXTRAVAGANT!!! What would it look like to live a life of radical obedience knowing WHO our Father is to love others with simple and extravagant love? Gods voice is soft, tender and always guiding us to LOVE others. It truly is simple when it comes from the Lord, because we know the truth that He is always guiding us to love, encourage and uplift those around us. We need to remember who He is, that He has gone before us and He will never leave us. Don’t you think the cities and neighborhoods we live in would be different places if we all walked in radical obedience? I want to encourage you to ask the Lord to highlight for you today someone who needs to be loved and encouraged and see who and where the Lord directs you. I would love to encourage all of you to come back here and share with us below on how the Lord directed you today. Let’s encourage and inspire one another to see the Lord working in and through us for those around us.

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