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What are Our Eyes Focused On?

There are way too many distractions surrounding us in today’s world. It takes intentionality on our part to keep our eyes focused on our incredible Creator. This past week I got distracted. The distraction wasn’t necessarily bad, but it wasn’t adding to my relationship with Jesus and the sad part is i started to look different, my thought patterns changed for the worse, my words and actions towards my kids were different...

I could go on and on. You see sometimes I don’t think we recognize how the choices we make on a daily basis impact our heart, soul and mind. I’m learning and continuing to grow and taste and see that it’s so much better when my eyes are on my incredible Abba Father. What our eyes are focused on directs our heart, mind and soul. Our lives here on earth are but a speck, yes there is eternity ahead of us. What we do and how we live our lives out here on earth matters. Let’s choose a life of co-laboring with God and watch as it impacts every aspect of our lives.

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