I love how creative God is and that He speaks to all of us. It’s as simple as tuning into the right channel and listen. Know sweet friend that God speaks to you. Today I want to share something the Lord has been speaking to me. About two months ago for over a week I heard the Lord say over and over again, “I’m doing a New Thing, I’m doing a New Thing.”
I would wake up with those words on my lips, be cooking on the kitchen with the thought running through my head and heart and fall asleep with Father singing it over me. “I’m doing a New Thing”. I sensed that 2020 was going to be a year of “New Things”. When you look up the definition of the word “new” is says: not existing before; made, introduced and discovered recently, or now for the first time.
I believe the Father is doing two things in 2020... one is that He is doing a New Thing and two as sons and daughters of God we will be experiencing a New Thing in our lives. The Lord took me to Jeremiah 12 and although this is a tough chapter to read in Jeremiah He highlighted verses 5 and 15. “If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land you are so trusting, what will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5 ESV I sense that there are some who have been trying to find solutions to their problems whether in family life, business, etc the way the world would, yet the Lord is saying, if you try to do it the way they are doing it, it’s not going to work.
God is doing a New Thing and we will recognize He is the best solution to anything in our lives. That if we desire to run with horses then we need to go to our Mighty Abba Father trainer who knows the best and smartest way to run. “And after I have plucked them up, I will again have compassion on them, and I will bring them again each to his heritage and each to his land.” Jeremiah 12:15 ESV The Lord then took me to Psalm 12, which is aptly titled: Song for the New Day”. He highlighted verses 6-8
“Lord, you will keep us forever safe, out of the reach of the wicked. Even though they strut and prowl, tolerating and celebrating what is worthless and vile, you will still lift up those who are yours! For every word God speaks is sure and every promise pure. His truth is tested, found to be flawless, and ever faithful. It’s as pure as silver refined seven times in a crucible of clay." - Psalms 12:6-8 TPT
I see the Lord doing a New Thing, that even in the midst of what might feel like a mess, what might feel unjust, He is filled with compassion and He is faithful! His promises are true and He is the best place for us to be. That is it is in Him that we need to put ALL of our trust. As I continued to pray into the New Thing that the Lord is doing the Lord reminded me of a dream I had where I was given a beautiful tapestry/woven blanket of sorts. In the dream there were lots of choices in front of me, but the one that I pulled out in front of me had a woven rainbow on it with the words, “Dream Again Dreamer”. This wasn’t the tapestry I had originally chosen, but I knew on that moment it was the one for me. It was the one the Lord had chosen for me.
I feel that as we approach 2020 some have felt that dreams they have dreamed haven’t come to pass and you have lost hope and desire to even move forward.
I feel the Lord is wanting to awaken dreams of yours. That He is saying, “Dream Again Dreamer”. This time dream with Him and don’t be surprised if it looks different then you thought, because His dream for you is perfect, His timing for that dream is perfect and how it looks is perfect.
I feel the Lord is going to awaken dreams that you have thought were impossible and they will be possible. Over the last few days the Lord has been reminding me, He will make a way, because He is the Way Maker!
It’s time to completely fall into His presence as He does a “New Thing”.
