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Surrender isn’t a thought or action that is looked upon as strong. It’s often looked upon as weak. Over the past couple of weeks the Lord has been teaching me to surrender my ALL to him, daily and sometimes in every minute during my day. Some examples being:

Surrendering... control of how I like to do things my dreams my fears the ugliness in my heart my selfishness the pace at which I do things my pride my family my talents You see I didn’t recognize or want to acknowledge that there were things in my life that had become idols to in my heart. That there were areas that I didn’t trust my Father. Ouch. That one really hurt. Because the truth is if there is anything that you feel would wreck you if you lost it... that thing is considered an idol. If you let that sink in and truly look deep into your heart it stings. We serve and are LOVED by a jealous God who wants ALL of us, but he is also GOOD, GRACIOUS, MERCIFUL, INTIMATE in his love towards us. Surrendering might hurt at the thought or during the action in that moment, but when it comes to surrendering our ALL to God it makes us strong, it frees us and draws us closer to our Him. His love is intimate and His desires for us are far greater then we can imagine. “But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.” - Isaiah 64:8 Have you ever experience a time of surrender that hurt but you were stronger on the other side? #sunday #thoughts #surrender

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