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Endless Pursuit

God loves Y-O-U so much! Did you know that? He loves you so much that He is pursuing you right NOW. I have personally experienced and witness this beautiful endless pursuit not only for myself, but for my husband, my kids, my family and friends. They are sometimes little whispers, what we might call “coincidences” and sometimes a bold happy hug from someone stepping out in faith. All because we have a God that loves us and is endlessly pursuing a relationship with us. You might be saying, well I don’t see or feel God’s love. What’s going on? I don’t believe He is a God of endless pursuit for ME. Those are lies the enemy wants you to believe, but I’m gonna shoot it straight with you cause that’s how I roll. Have you been listening? Have you spent any time being still and quiet with the Lord? Have you opened up your bible for more then 5 minutes at a time? Do you give God thanks and praise when something good happens in your life? Just like any other relationship in our life, it requires TWO people. We see time and time again in Gods Word of His endless pursuit for us, BUT it’s up to us to stop and recognize it. It’s up to us to stop and praise Him and give Him time. I want to encourage you in the busyness of our day(get rid of those distractions) to ask the Lord to open your ears, eyes, mind and heart TODAY to see where He is endlessly pursuing you. “For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I, I myself, will search for My sheep and will seek them out.” - Ezekiel 34:11 AMP

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