This verse caught my heart this morning. See I’ve been struggling over the past week as my eldest son has been pushing the limits a bit as of late. Honestly my momma heart has been breaking and I’ve been bombarded by some thoughts and lies like... “I’ve failed as a mom” - LIE “You obviously aren’t raising him in the Lord.” - LIE “He was just born this way” - LIE “We’ll there isn’t much you can do, he’s too old now” - LIE Ummm ya, those are big fat lies. I know they aren’t true and I know I’m not the only one here who struggles with this. The other thing is that the enemy isn’t too creative. If one thing isn’t working he’s gonna try something else, but it’s pretty much the same thing over and over again. So again I say... no more and not today satan.
I know I’ll continually be in training in capturing those lies and casting them out. However my goal is to get so fast they can’t take any ground in my heart, mind and my home. Ooooh I’m getting fired up just sitting here thinking about it. He doesn’t have any authority over me, my home, my kids, my marriage, my business, my friendships, my calling... none of it! I’m a chosen daughter of the Almighty King and SO ARE YOU!!
You see there is something crazy amazing that happens when we fear the Lord and it’s not the “fear” as in scared. No, no our Abba Father loves us so much. He is continually drawing us into a place of reverence and awe of Him. Whaaaat?! It’s when we take the time to WAIT on Him! See He never leaves us, He is always with us and desires us to come chat with Him, to come and sing praises to Him, to Hope in Him and experience His Loving-Kindness, His Mercy and so so much more. When we choose to spend time with Him, draw into His presence He reveals the TRUTH of who He is and who He calls each us.
My eldest son and other two sons are Mighty Warriors and a Kingdom Warriors for Jesus! So today I choose to speak against the lies and claim the truth of who I am, who my kids are and the truth about every other area of my life.