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Writer's pictureCatherine Erickson

Stand Tall Speak Life

Last year the Lord put it on my heart to write a book. That alone terrified me, but I knew that I knew that I knew this was from Him. So I proceeded to take the steps forward in doing just that. What I didn’t know then is that this would launch me physically, mentally and spiritually into a journey with the Lord I had never experienced. I ended up taking 6months “off” of my work and stepped into a season of refinement with Jesus. If the Lord has ever taken you through a refining period you understand how uncomfortable and a lot of times, excruciating it can be. More on that later, but let’s say, a year later the Lord has transformed me and my life forever. The fun and creative heart of our Father can take something that you thought you had a grasp on and open your eyes to it in a completely new and marvelous way. . What I’ve come to recognize more then ever before in my life is that the Father wants to co-labor with us in all that we do. Being aware of our every step, encounter and action through His eyes changes our lives and the lives around us.

I believe we are all called to Stand Tall for Jesus and the desires of His heart which He puts inside each of us! What a marvelous Father!! Those desires you have are not in vain, press into them and continue to ask Him, How do you want to co-labor with me Father? Sometimes the journey looks different then we thought it would, but you are more then likely right where you are supposed to be. The key is for us to KEEP Our Eyes on HIM.

I believe we are all called to Speak Life. Covering ourselves with Gods Word(the Truth) everyday and uplifting and encouraging those we encounter. We are ALL Gods kids and words of encouragement and life for how God sees us changes us and propels us further into who He has created us to be.

We serve a Loving, Gracious & Merciful God who desires time with us every moment of our day. Allow Him to interrupt your day today and let Him overwhelm you with His love for you!

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